Saturday, November 27, 2010

Macaroni Béchamel "مكرونة بالباشاميل"

 مكرونة بالباشاميل~
Macaroni Béchamel~ or Macaroni with white sauce

No ingredients this time, it's depend on the amount you want =)
You will need:
  • Pasta
  • Oil & salt
  • Minced chicken (Meat if you like)
  • Tomato, Green bell pepper and Onion(Cut)
  • Mixed flavoring
White sauce or Béchamel:
For each cup of milk
  • 2 spoon of white flour
  • 1/4 stick of butter (You can use oil, but with butter better tasty)
  • Salt & ground black pepper
1.Boil the pasta with salt and oil, leave it in low heat.

2. Cook the minced chicken with oil, onion and mixed flavoring. When it's near to be cooked add the tomato and green bell pepper. Wait untill all together are cooked.

3. For the Béchamel, melt all the ingredients, cook and stir until thickened and bubbly. If so stir for more 1-2 min (If the sauce didn't get thicker that's mean lack in flour, add more. Also if it has rough mass and stir doesn't work, use the blender and then turn it back to heat to complete cocking).

Now when all is ready. In a baking pan, spread a layer of the sauce then pasta after that the chicken or meat and finally pour again what left of the sauce (You can cover it with egg to give shine). Cook in oven by using the upper rack of the oven until the outer layer become light brown.

  •   Note: There are many ways to cook pasta with the white sauce. For example, Some people like stir pasta, meat and white sauce together instead of making them in layers. Also some like to have the pasta and white sauce only or a vegetables as filling. Cheese also can be used. For instance, spread it with the final layer of the white sauce.

Se7a  wa 3afia (Health and well-being )

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Swiss Roll "سويس رول"

سويس رول~
Swiss Roll~ easy and fast

Ingredients: (for 2 cake tin, take the half if you want one)
  • 6 eggs
  • Cup of white flour
  • Cup of sugar (Caster)
  • 1 spoon vanilla powder
  • 1 spoon baking powder
  • Cream + sugar + chocolate = mix together, or you can use strawberry jam.
1. Prepare the oven, 200° degree. Whisk the eggs with an electric mixer untill it becomes spongy. After that gradually add the vanilla with the sugar followed by the flour. Meanwhile, prepare a cake tin covered by butter.

- Spongy eggs -

3. Add the baking powder then turn off the mixer. Pour the mixure in the cake tin.

4. Put the cake in the oven, wait for about 15min.

5. When the cake is cooked well, turn it into large greaseproof paper dusted by caster sugar and fill it.

- Ehm I used here A4 papers :D because I didn't have that time greaseproof, don't use them they're terrible xD the cake will stick in them -

6. Finally, cool the swiss roll in the refrigirator.

Se7a  wa 3afia (Health and well-being )

Friday, November 12, 2010

Konafah "كنافة"

Konafah~ delicious Arabic desser


  • Konafah Dough
  • Butter (70g)
Cream filling:
  • Cream ( fresh, 250ml)
  • Semolina (One spon)
  • Mozzarella cheese (Optional)
  • Cup of water
  • Cup of sugar
  • Limon (one spoon)
- Konafah Dough -

 - Semolina -

Syrup: "The reason why we started with syrup because we want it to be cold when we pour it over the hot konafah"

In a saucepan add the water and sugar, stir them together and while they are boiling add the limon. lower the heat and when it became syrup "heavier than water" remove it from heat and leave it to cool.

Cream filling: stir the ingredients in a bowl.

1. In a blender, mix the dough "You can do that by your hand, but for better result use the blender better and faster"

2. In a bowl add the butter to the dough.

- Butter added to the dough -

3. Take a pyrex rectangular baking dish, make a layer of dough followed by cream and finally another layer of dough.

Note: If you made thick layer of dough the cream have to be thick ,too. Same if you do thin layer.
 4. Bake it in oven, first lower rack of the oven until it became golden (25-30min) then the upper. (You have to be careful for the upper part, it get golden faster)

5. Pour the syrup over the Konafah and cut it with knife.

Enjoy it with a cup of Qahwa

Se7a  wa 3afia (Health and well-being )

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Saleeg "سليق"

Saleeg~ warm meal good for winter

 - I recomended it for winter very warm -

Ingredients (for 4-5 person):
  • A chicken
  • 2 cups of Egyptian rice "أرز مصري" (This kind looks tiny)
  • 1 onion and 1 or 2 cloves of garlic
  • 4 piece of cardamom "هيل" (Green ones), it's possible instead cinnamon "قرفه"
  • 2 cup of milk (warm)
  • Oil & salt

- Egyptian rice -
1. Firstly, you have to wash the rice 2 or 3 times to clean it then leave it in warm water.
2. Cut the onion into small pecies and use the grater for the garlic, and in a pot heat some oil and then add to it the onion and garlic.

- Keep moving it untill its colour became white brown -

3. Cut the chicken to 4 parts, and when the onion start to be white brown (It's shouldn't burn  other wise it may give bad tasty) add it.

And then add bioled water and salt in the pot and leave it untill the chicken cooked well (about 30min).

4. When the chicken ready take it out and filter it's water in another pot in order to add the rice next. (put the chicken in food container we'll back to it later)

- You can use the knife test to check if the chicken ready -

- Rice added after filtering the water -

5. Boil the rice in the water and reduce the heat, cover and simmer untill the rice melt (add extra water when needed).

5. When the rice melt, add the 2 cup of warm milk, and keep moving it from time to time. 

6. Chicken is waiting! :P
( If you like there is mixture to put on the chicken which is: limon juice, chill powder and turmeric)
In the over put the chicken until the outer layer became golden brown.

Finally, saleeg ready :)

You can also make a sauce with this meal which is Banadora "بندورة" Sauce:
- 4 Tomato
- Salt
- Pepper (one, half or without depend of how hot you want it)
- Half cup parsley
- Water

Blend them all in a blender until they mixed well.
  • Note: This meal take time, about 3h or more. That's because it's in 2 processes first chicken then rice. However, if you are student or worker and feel you don't have time, you can skip the chicken part. What you will do is: after washing the rice directly biold it with water, sault and butter. then when it ready you'll add the milk and do the same things. 

Se7a  wa 3afia (Health and well-being )


Welcome To My Blog

   I won't say that I'm an excellent cook. But I enjoy cooking and would like to share you. Arabic food, and others from my daily life. My rederence are cooking books, internet and my mother ^_^

I hope you'll like it
